I Have Not Been Accused Of Speeding In 33 Years – Will That Help?


Speeding offence – static camera registered 40 mph in an area where limit is 30 mph

Is there any point in challenging this ? I’ve driven past this camera for many years and never had a problem. I was surprised this happened and whilst I may have been slightly over, can I ask for evidence without incurring a higher penalty. Been driving 33 years and never been caught by a speed camera but I doubt that will help my case if the camera is correct

Louise Says:

The only basis upon which you should contest this matter is if you do not accept that you were speeding at the time and you feel that you can cast a doubt on the police evidence.

If you accept that you might have been speeding at the time under cross examination at court then you will be convicted I’m afraid. The fact that you have had a clean driving licence for so long will not help I’m afraid.

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