Avoid A Summons Being Issued?

New service from Patterson Law achieves great success rates….

Over the last 6 months or so we have been trialling a new service.

We are really aware of how stressful it is for our clients to receive a summons to court.

In light of this we having been getting involved early, whilst the case is still with the police. Its normally appropriate to do this in cases where our client cannot the name the driver after being sent notices under s.172 RTA 1988 and also in cases where our clients have been accused of driving without due care and fail to stop and report.

We have succeeded in dissuading the police from taking further action in 89.58% of the cases that we have taken on where clients have been threatened with court proceedings. (figures accurate as at 4.6.10)

For a fixed fee ( see fees here ) we will take detailed statements and then make representations to the police on your behalf. Our aim is to dissuade them from issuing a summons to court.

If we succeed you don’t get your fees back, (because you only get a costs order if proceedings are withdrawn at court) but you do get the peace of mind of knowing that you are not going to be at risk of penalty points and hefty court fines/costs.

If you want to discuss your case to see whether or not this service is appropriate for you then please click the contact button below.

Patterson Law

The Driver Defence Service

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