Driving Without Due Care And Attention – Hearing Date


I collided into a friends vehicle and am being charged for driving without due care and attention, for changing lanes in a violent and irresponsible manner.

What the police did not see was that there was a 3rd vehicle involved that threw something at my car, my friend over took me swerved in front of the 3rd vehicle and jammed on his brakes, not realising I was following him, and I certainly did not expect him to slam on his brakes.

I have witnesses who will stand up in court and the friend who caused the accident said he would make a statement too – although come the time I’m not certain that he will.

Can you tell me how I should deal with this, the court is not local, I am unemployed but am waiting to hear if I have a job as a mechanic. I know I have made a stupid mistake which could cost me my licence.

Emma Says:

I anticipate that the police will be suggesting that you were mucking about with your friend at the time of the alleged offence, perhaps racing/swerving etc?

If your friend is willing to confirm that they caused the accident then you have a good chance of defending this matter depending on what the witnesses for the prosecution say. How long have you been driving? Have you got any points already? The court will take this matter seriously if you are convicted.

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