Failing To Nominate The Driver – Naming Someone Abroad



Your road traffic offence question: Hi Emma,

I received a NIP for a speeding (x mph zone) at the time my partner was using the car (my company car), he said the car was being driven by a friend his at the time of the offence so he completed the nip and sent it off naming someone abroad.

I have now received a phone call from the police the other day saying they could not find the locate/contact the person whos details have been provided on he nip and they need me to provide the correct details.

I advised on the phone that nip was completed by my partner and they should speak to him, but the police said no they have to speak/deal with me on the matter, I was busy at the time so I told him I would call him back later, which I did but didn’t get through so left a message asking him to call me back. I now have received the email from the officer dealing with my case:-


Dear xxxxx,

Further to our telephone conversation today, we require the correct address and contact details of the driver you nominated as a result of the speeding offence committed on the x 2010 by the vehicle leased to yourself.

Our enquiries have revealed that as part of the terms and agreement of your use of the vehicle index xxxxxx you are able to let other people use the vehicle so long as they are in possession of a UK driving licence. Our enquiries have revealed that the person you nominated does not have a driving licence, does not exist or you have not furnished the correct details.

It is necessary to furnish the correct details of a nominated driver under the Road Traffic Act or further offences may be considered for investigation, please contact me with the correct details of the driver at the time of the offence.

Please be aware that I have contacted the company lease team today to advise them of our enquiries.

I look forward to your response,

Now if I provide them with my partners details who had the car at the time would that get me into more trouble? (I didn’t lie the first time I just didn’t know/think that I was responsible to ensure the details were correct) the police should sort it out with partner who was driving when the alleged offence was committed.

Dominic Says:

I’m afraid that the police have taken the view that you have provided false details. You need to handle this with care – otherwise you could get accused of attempting to pervert the course of justice.

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