Amber – Not Safe To Stop


I was apparently caught going through a red light by a camera mounted on the traffic signal? I strongly deny going through any red light.

It may have changed to red once I went through. However, on the help letter it says that certain excuses are irrelevant in the eyes of the law, for example, “It would have been more dangerous to stop” and “It was on green/amber when I went through”.

I feel this prevents any grounds of fair, reasonable appeal. I would much appreciate if you could give me some advice on the matter. Thank you very much for your time.

Graham says:

If you accept that it was on amber at the time that you went through then you should take the ticket. It an offence to go through on red or amber – but if you go through on amber you have a defence if you can show that it wasn’t safe to stop.

I’m afraid the law is fairly strict and straightforward on these issues.

Have you got any points already? If so, how many?

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