Company Will Get NIP



Hello, I hope you can help as I am tying myself in knots with worry.

I think I will receive a NIP for speeding (I was driving locally last Sunday, leaving a 60mph zone where I over took a very slow driver and entered a 30mph zone-a speed camera dream. I didn’t slow down fast enough (stupid I know) and my guess would be I was doing around 50mph when/if he got me.

When I got home I checked my Insurance (fine, fully comp) but realized the photo on my driving licence had expired. Of course this has added to my worry.

I got a form and sent off with new picture this week so am just waiting for my new licence.

My car is a company car so I assume if I am to receive a NIP it will take maybe 3-4 weeks. So I have a few questions-upon receipt of the NIP will I need to provide my driving licence? Also will the expired photo add to my troubles?

I have no points and have never had a driving conviction.

I am terrified of what might happen as I need my car for my job.

Rob Says:

If you were doing over 50 in a 30mph limit then you will be at risk of a ban and you will get a court summons rather than a fixed penalty offer. If you are the registered keeper of the car then you will get a NIP. The first NIP within 14 days will go to the company or the lease hire company that rents the company the car.

You won’t need to surrender your licence until you get to court as you will not be offered a fixed penalty if the speed was over 50mph. Don’t worry about the expired licence issue as long as you have an entitlement to drive and you have passed a test you will be fine.

If you would like my help with this matter then come back to me.

Your clean driving record will help a lot and it should be possible to avoid a ban despite the speed being high.

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