Summons – Failing To Name Driver


Hi, I have been summoned to court for Failure to stop at a Red Light, and Failure to Supply Information.

On the date in last December I am unsure who was driving (there are 4 of us on the insurance, and it is a busy A road). The photograph is unclear.

None of the others will admit to the driving. I have written to Sussex police, and provided them the others names and addresses, and insurance details, but they are now prosecuting me for both offences.

Please can you advise?

Dominic Says:

I will be happy to help you with this matter and it sounds as though you will have a statutory defence of using reasonable diligence.

You have done all the right things to date.

We would need to show that you used reasonable diligence on the balance of probabilities to win.

Have you got any points already? You will get 6 if you lose this case. Come back to me if you would like to talk

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